Apply for School Support
School Name: *
School MOE Number: *
Physical Address: *
Physical Suburb: *
Physical City: *
Physical Postcode: *
Region: *
Phone: *
Email: *
Type of school: *
EQI Number
Current Roll: *
Contact name: *
Job title: *
Contact Email: *
Principal Name: *
Principal Email: *
What percentage of student roll would benefit from KidsCan support? *
Does your school wear a uniform? *
Does your school receive support from any of the following programmes?
Fruit in Schools
Government's Healthy School Lunches
Would you be happy for KidsCan to contact your school in relation to media articles focusing on the needs of your community? Note: your answer will not affect the success of your application. *
Yes, I confirm school management is aware and in support of this application. *